Current Trends/Future Issues Committee
Mission Statement
The Committee on Current Trends and Future Issues (CTFI) annually reviews trends in counseling, college admission and enrollment management. The Committee makes recommendations for programs and services that educate and inform members and other college admission counselors about professional issues and trends.
Chair: Hamzat Saba, Thurgood Marshall Academy (DC)
Vice Chair: Khala Granville Williamson, CollegeBound Foundation (MD)
Committee Members:
Jennifer Auchmoody, The Academy of the Holy Cross (MD) Ashley Browning, Hollins University (VA) Laura Burrell Baxter, Key School (MD) Penny Deck, Champion College Counseling (VA) Bethany Ely, Premium Prep (NC) Missy Evans-Moreland, Moreland and Associates Educational Consulting, LLC (MD) Jonathan Gowin, New England Board of Higher Education (MA)
Tuwanda Jackson, Friendship Schools (DC) Fatmata Koroma, Georgetown Day School (DC) Rachel Loving, Maggie Walker Governor's School (VA) Alicia Miller, CollegeBound Foundation (MD) Jessica Monterastelli, Friends School of Baltimore (MD) Julia Ross, Professional Tutoring, LLC (VA) Jill Semmens, Collegiate Directions (MD) Ann Marie Strauss, The Bryn Mawr School (MD) Victoria Turner Turco, Turner Educational Advising, LLC (MD)
Resources and Readings
Our committee will periodically post links to articles and resources related to college admission and/or guidance. Even if we don’t all agree with these articles, we hope they will be thought-provoking and spark a discussion among our members. Have an article you’d like to add? Email a link to [email protected] or [email protected].
College Application Process
Current and Future of Testing
University of Delaware to make SAT optional
College Costs
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Ethical College Admissions: Of Presidents and Principals - Written by PCACAC and NACAC Past President Jim Jump (December 4, 2017).
Majoring in Diversity - Hamilton College's New Mandatory Diversity Initiative
Race on Campus
Financial Aid
Think the Federal-Aid Process Is Crazy? Here’s Some ‘Bureaucratic Sanity’
In College and Beyond
6 Classes I Would Force Every College Student To Take
Career Coaching for the Playdate Generation
For What Kind of Future Work Are We Educating Our Kids
For Undergrads, Peers Play Key Role in Degree Attainment
LinkedIn's CEO Wants to Revolutionize the Global Workforce By Matching All Jobs With Skilled Workers
How Sal Khan Hopes to Remake Education
Will You Sprint, Stroll or Stumble Into a Career?
Mental Health
Starting the Conversation - College and Your Mental Health
Stretched to Capacity-What campus counseling centers are doing to meet rising demand
Outside Reading
Educating an Original Thinker
Eleven Signs a City Will Succeed
Why Cloudy Days Help Us Think More Clearly
Undocumented Students’ Fears Escalate After a DACA Recipient’s Arrest
Trump's Education Plan: School Choice for 'Every Single Inner City Child in America'
The Bathroom Bill-North Carolina's House Bill 2 requires schools and public businesses to have single sex bathrooms based on biological sex only.
Archive of Previous CTFI Articles
We Want to Hear from You!
Have an issue? Seeing a trend? Let us know! Email Sally O'Rourke