PCACAC Membership Types

The following information about Membership Types aligns with the PCACAC Bylaws:

The PCACAC region (as used in Member Types descriptions below) includes the states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Membership Types

  • College Access or Community Based Organization:  Public or private, nonprofit organization engaged in addressing the social and economic needs of individuals throughout the college admissions process.

  • Corporate:  For-profit organization that provide products and/or services to the counseling, admission or financial aid professions or in support of students in the transition to postsecondary education.

  • Emeritus: This category is selected by the Nominating Committee and includes one who has retired from their professional responsibilities, has been highly visible for an extended period of time within PCACAC and has rendered significant contributions and leadership in support of PCACAC's programs and activities.

  • Independent Educational Consultant:  Individual who is self-employed or employed by a company providing professional services to students who are seeking to attend college.

  • Nonprofit: Not-for-profit organization that provides professional services to the counseling, admission or financial aid professions or in support of students in the transition to postsecondary education.

  • Postsecondary (two- and four-year institutions): Not-for-profit two and four year colleges and other accredited post-secondary institutions.

  • Professional:  Administrator, instructor or student who works with students in the transition to postsecondary education, or a student seeking a career in counseling, admission or financial aid services.

  • Regional Representative: Employed at a college or university located outside the PCACAC region for whom the majority of professional duties are performed within the PCACAC region and who does not hold voting privileges in any other NACAC affiliate.

  • Retired: An individual who is retired, but was actively engaged in the counseling, admission or financial aid professions or in support of students in the transition to postsecondary education within the PCACAC region.

  • Secondary: Public or private high school or public school district office.

Voting vs. Voting Members

Voting members are those who operate within the PCACAC region or are nonprofit organizations (CBO, Emeritus, Independent Educational Consultant, Nonprofit, Postsecondary, Regional Representative, Secondary, and Retired). 

Corporate and Professional categories are non-voting member types.

Questions?  We're happy to help!

Contact the PCACAC office at info@pcacac.org, 434-989-7557.